All In For All Kids

We are proud to share All In For All Kids, a mini-site that hosts a collection of stories, photos,...

Imagine: The DREAM Blog

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We dream big. We believe bigger. Because one person’s garbage-strewn lot can be another’s field of dreams. A baseball league for 75 kids can become a network of schools for thousands. And a kindergarten class can become the next generation of changemakers in the community and the world.


We dream big. We believe bigger. Because one person’s garbage-strewn lot can be another’s field of dreams. A baseball league for 75 kids can become a network of schools for thousands. And a kindergarten class can become the next generation of changemakers in the community and the world.

Our Maxims in Action

All Kids Can. This Kid Can. DREAM is Family. Fun is a Serious Value. Teamwork Makes the DREAM Work. Fail. Persist. Exceed. DREAM Big. From our classrooms to our ballfields, DREAM’s maxims build on our mission and show us what it means to be a member of the DREAM community, every day.

In the Classroom

​A rigorous academic model is one way that we work to grow the whole child. But classrooms aren’t just for math and phonics – they’re for singing and storytelling, art and experimenting, making new friends and learning about yourself.

In the Classroom

​A rigorous academic model is one way that we work to grow the whole child. But classrooms aren’t just for math and phonics – they’re for singing and storytelling, art and experimenting, making new friends and learning about yourself.

On The Field

Our scholars know what it means to be a member of a team. DREAM’s roots in baseball and softball and our commitment to keeping students active foster a culture where all students have access to team-based extracurriculars—and the lessons that come with being part of something bigger.